Gerber 's products are sold on the Internet for over 10 years. In our offer you can find all products Gerber available on the Polish market. With wholesale purchases directly from the manufacturer , we are able to offer a full range of products at the lowest prices Gerber : dinners , soups , desserts , juices , nectars , drinks. The whole visible in the online store 's inventory in our warehouse - you get exactly what you order. When we give each product expiration date. By purchasing the full packaging , you get a discount. We provide a warranty on all purchased inventory - if anything is damaged in transit , you'll get your money back. Instead of wasting time shopping in a supermarket - Sit comfortably in a chair and without leaving home online buy exactly what you need. Instead of shopping to carry home, leave this job to the courier. Dodomku the quality delicatessen in wholesale price.